The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Oswald did it.

Please don't send me any screwball theories, opinions, or even questions. 

I've heard them all and I'm tired of it.

Okay — the JFK Files have been released. Yes, there were many people who were mad at JFK and the CIA did have contacts and activities all over. But in The Files there is not one evidence item that proves or supports the idea that the CIA had anything to do with the JFK assassination.

Consider this fact: Any conspiracy would have required the participation of dozens or more individuals. Anyone involved could come out with the truth, write a book, and become a media star, a hero. No one has done this. Think about that.

For all you conspiracy fans and self-declared ballistic experts, I have posted a list (below) with links to the most authoritative, in-depth discussions and ballistic testing regarding the JFK incident. These were prepared by one of the world’s most knowledgeable forensic ballistics expert.